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Why choose PwaEduBirdie?

There are several reasons why you should choose us:

Unparalleled professionalism - first, we boast a core of professional writers who have been screened to ensure a high level of expertise and credibility.

Original, high quality work - second, we guarantee that the completed project will be original and of the highest quality. The articles come with zero grammatical errors and fully address the subject area.

Client confidentiality - we also provide complete confidentiality to our clients. No one other than us will ever have access to your personal information. Not even our trusted writers.

Large pool of writers - clients choose us to take advantage of our large pool of very professional and duly experienced writers who provide only the best services.

Competitive pricing – finally, our prices are some of the most competitive on the market.

How do I place an order?

Placing an order is very easy. We have developed several categories of projects. Start by choosing a category that best describes your project requirements.

Once you’ve selected a category, you will be asked to provide a project description. Clients are also required to provide a contact email from where they can monitor the progress of their projects.

After you’ve received a sufficient number of bids, review the bidders and select a writer for your paper. After the choice is made, you will be asked to pay. Typically, the payment is held in escrow until the project is delivered and approved by the client.